Monday, May 19, 2008

Obama, McCain and honesty

I have started a number of blogs recently with "I don't normally talk about politics but ...". At this point I would have to say that I do, sometimes, talk about politics, particularly with this election being so important to the future of this country and the entire planet.

As you can probably guess from previous posts, I am unabashedly liberal, and though I am actually on the left of a number of his positions, I strongly support Barack Obama. He is campaigning on changing the political culture, running as a positive, honest and forthright politician. He is doing this better than most, though he still hedges and back-pedals and does the things that we all think make politicians a bit slimy ... however, these things are necessary in American politics because everyone makes mistakes and the news here covers every little thing ...

However, Baracks falsehoods and mis-steps are nothing compared to those of his opponent, and at least he had the integrity to publicly apologize for his perceived miscues and not outright lie about them. John McCain, he of the straight talk express, the maverick whose personal integrity is without question ... he is either suffering from some sort of unique political ahlzeimers that allows you to forget only contradictory statements, or he is a flat out liar. Check out this video clip and decide for yourself ...

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