Friday, February 06, 2009

My burgeoning career as a photographer?

So as many of you know, during the last 2 years in New York I have become a lot more interested in photography, in no small part due to Aviva's encouragement. I was recently thrilled when I was asked to allow one of my photos to be used in the 6th edition of the Schamp travel guide for Prague, which you can see here. The screenshot to the left shows the photo, a picture of the radnice (town all) in Karlovo namesti. The top window of the tower was where Pragues first defenestration occurred in 1483 ... defenestration, by the way, is the act of throwing someone (or something) out a window.

Anyway, the Schamp guides are great internet travel guides that are available for free on-line, and I am really happy to have been a part of the guide to one of my favorite places in the world. I was also recently accepted to submit photos for sale at iStockphoto, an on-line photo warehouse. While I don't fancy myself a particularly good photographer, I do think my photos have been improving a lot and are worth looking at. If you are interested you can go and see the photos I have had accepted at iStockphoto here.

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