Did I start this post with the idea of normalization? Yeah, that is kind of not in the cards as of now .... yet it does feel like things are normalizing. Aviva and I just kind of feel like we are getting the swing of things, that we can handle most of his issues, that his dry skin, his random red spots, the weird, soft, movable bumps on his skull (lymph nodes we are told) are not a big deal. We are learning to sleep in shorter spurts and still function, to actually get some cooking and cleaning and living done while we are at home ... I mean, I know that most of these things are things that we used to do without issue, but to be able to get back to them is pretty nice for us.
Anyway, its still an adventure, but it is still great. And as I have been saying for weeks, we are so lucky to have so much love in the area, as every day Aviva is going to see someone or someone else is coming over, and on weekends we are packed even though we barely leave Hartsdale. Thanks everyone, we are so lucky to have you all in our lives.
So enough of my musings, y'all don't come here for that anyway, so here is the weekly dose of Soren, weeks 11 and 12.
So now that he is healthy again, he has been really happy all week ... especially when he is playing with Aviva in the mornings.
Last weekend while my parents were here Amy came over and brought him an incredible wire mobile with jungle and barnyard animals (my picture does not do it justice, its amazing) ... he loves it.
This weekend we had Volkan, Jen and Nathan and Joe and Marian over for brunch on Saturday, which was really fun, and then spent the rest of the day just hanging out. Sunday morning I made breakfast for Aviva and I ....
and Aviva made breakfast for Soren ...
We also had a bunch of visitors later on Sunday, Eric and Rhonda came with Frank Peppes delicious pizza on Sunday evening ...
and Jess and Mikela (sp?) brought and cooked us a fabulous lunch on Sunday afternoon.
And of course Soren spent a bit of time in the Mamaroo, which he loves,
although here he seems a bit skeptical about it.
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