Best of all, today I out here in California at the Society for Neuroimmune Pharmacology and this afternoon I presented my data in my first scientific talk and it went pretty well. Everyone else told me it went great, but you know, people are nice, so I will settle on pretty well. Maybe even pretty dang well :) I think I was a bit wooden presenting my data, I got all the points across but perhaps I over prepared or more likely I just need to become more comfortable presenting my data ... however, I generated a lot of great questions and felt like the best part of my presentation was answering the questions. It felt so cool to be asked such good, probing questions, questions that I have spent lots of time pondering, and to be able to share my opinion on them with such a knowledgeable crowd. Overall, fantastic ...
And once I was done, the weight which lifted off me, which I didn't even know was there, was quite large and the relief was palpable .... and glorious.
Way to go PJ! Did you get any photos of Wooden WOKN presenting?
Nope no pictures, but you know, those will come as I get flashier :)
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