Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Samara in Boston

So last weekend Aviva and I drove up to Boston to spend some time with Avivas' brother, sister-in-law and their new daughter, Samara Yael Buchman. The weekend itself was rather slow, two snowy days inside with family and visits with some good friends in the city, but overall it was just a great time.

We also got to see some old friends, and it was wonderful to catch up with Ben, my roommate from the year I lived in Israel and his beautiful family. We also went out to dinner with Avivas' friend Ilana and my buddy Ted from grad school, that was a really nice time ... which was topped off in a particularly sweet fashion as we stopped by J.P Licks after dinner and I got to have some cake batter ice cream, fantastic. But mostly the weekend was great beause we got to spend a lot of time with Avivas' brother & sister-in-law Josh and Debbie, Tanya who was up from Florida braving the winter cold and most importantly, our adorable new niece, Samara.

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