I got married (the fabulous photos are from Langdon photography, they are amazing!!!)
We went on a mini-honey moon to central West Virginia, where we hiked and relaxed and the eastern sh
I got a paper accepted to the American Journal of Pathology (we actually found out the paper was accepted during our mini-moon, making the week extra special).
We bought a house and moved into it (down to the right is the view from our terrace).
I spent an intense week at Cold Spring Harbor learning about the Cellular Biology of Addiction and made a number of wonderful new friends.

And last, but definitely not least, I submitted a huge grant.
And this is in addition to all the big stuff Aviva did, and all the great little things (sold some photos on-line, made some great new friends in our new complex, got some very difficult assays working, etc ...). Its been quite the summer, and I have to say, when I thought about all I was going to have to do before the summer it seemed like a lot, but it felt like a lot more when I was doing it. Anyway, at some point I lost the ability to blog (and to work out and really to do anything but move boxes and write) so you have all been without my witty insight for a while, but now, I think I am back and I look forward to getting back to sharing my life with all of you.
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