Thursday, September 23, 2010

Neal's Wedding

I have written before about my friend Neal, that he is not infallible and how he almost killed himself training for a marathon ... but this time I want to tell you about a more joyful experience in his life, because last weekend Neal got married. The wedding, as it would have to be, was in Yosemite valley, where Neal and Terri got married on Sentinel beach in front of about 60 family and friends and in the shadow of thousands of tons of granite ... being such avid climbers (that is of course what they did on their mini-moon after the wedding), I was kind of surprised the wedding was not on a rock.

Although I am told that they did take some pictures wearing harnesses in their wedding outfits.

Anyway, the weekend was fantastic, not just because of the great joy Aviva and I got seeing Neal and Terri get married, but also because many of Neals best friends are my best friends, so I got to spent the weekend with about half of my closest friends and their significant others. And I got to do while showing Aviva one of the most beautiful places that I can think of.

The details of the weekend were pretty unimportant, there was wandering and hiking in Yosemite valley, a beautiful ceremony on sentinel beach, a viewing of the giant redwoods in Mariposa grove on the way out of the park on sunday and just generally wonderful hanging out and merrymaking.

Oh, and I got to give the toast at the wedding, which was really and honor ... I think I did an alright job, but you can judge for yourselves since a friend of mine recorded the whole thing ..

PJ's Toast @ Neal's wedding from Dave Fisher on Vimeo.

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