Sunday, February 10, 2013

Six weeks

So right now the blog is all Soren, all the time, but I promise, when we start doing interesting things again you will all hear about them. 

So, when you leave the hospital, they tell you that the first month is super tough, but at six weeks, things start to change. They mention smiles, laughing ... just basically interaction, but as you spend the first couple weeks with the baby, you wonder if this small, loud, jiggly pile of poop and screams is ever going to to anything with you other than cause a brief laugh by peeing on you or your wife while you change him.

So then six weeks rolls around, and what do you know, he is actually doing stuff. I know the smiles are not necessarily intentional, they might be due to gas or him just testing his facial muscles, but it doesn't matter, they are magical. He makes sounds other than loud wails (although they are all some kind of variation on wailing, but many seem a bit more positive) and actually seems to enjoy jumping on my belly (with assistance), doing tummy time or batting at the lion on his play gym. I know he still does not control his arms or really even know that they are attached to him, but it is so amazing seeing him try to figure that out.

And watching him, although it sounds a bit dull, is amazing. He is growing so fast, he is already in his 3 - 6 month clothes, he is able to push off and move if you brace his feet, and he can look around and loves it, particularly when you are outside. He is definitely our kid, loves looking out the windows and being out in the fresh air.

Other than the baby, not much is going on. We are both tired but things are getting better, his sleep is stabilizing and he is sleeping longer and eating more regularly, Aviva is healing up really well and I am still getting to work out and work, but other than that we don't do much. Our friends and family have been wonderful, coming by all the time to give us comfort, support and entertain us, I don't think we would have made it without them.

Anyway, here are some more pix of Soren from the last couple weeks. 

With Mommy ...

With Daddy ...

 In his play gym ... he seems to like the lion with the ball the best.

 Sleeping in the Mamaroo ... thanks again Uncle Steven!!

Daddy is trying out the Becco

Exploring the big baby crib for the first time

 With Ella

Hoot! Hoot!

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